Social FARMS
Social Farm Activities for Rural Management Services
Social FARMS is an innovative Strategic Partnership project started in November 2020 and ending in October 2022, granted under the European Union Programme Erasmus+ within the Key Action 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices.
There are six project partner organizations representing five countries: Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain and Turkey.
Main Objectives and Results
Main scope of the Social FARMS project is the realization of training materials able to train the competences needed to specialize key professionals in the social farming sector by using and adapting the farm activities to the needs of persons with different kinds of disabilities for rehabilitation and therapeutic purposes.
Main project product will be a platform for long distance learning including three modules dedicated to each one of the three key profiles interacting with the inclusion path of the person with disability:

the Social Farm Tutor
in charge to follow-up the
field program.

the Social Farm Manager
responsible for the realization of
the inclusion plan.

the Social Farm Educator
who will accompany on behalf of the
social/health services the inclusion of
the person with disability.
All together the training materials will allow a better understanding of how the triad can
contribute to the growth of the social farming services in Europe.
Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori Umbria